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2019年12月09日 来源:国际分馆 作者:王龙
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 sk27-22001259 -- sk27-22001283       
 工作人员 :wanglong          
题 名 著者 索书号 z13_imprint z13_year 条码
interpretive quantification : methodological explorations for critical and constructivist ir / barkin, j. samuel, d80/i61 ann arbor : university of michigan press, [2017] 2017 sk27-22001259
a short history of mercantilism / horrocks, j. w. 7/f0/h816 london : routledge, 2017. 2017 sk27-22001260
peace and reconciliation in the classical world / moloney, e. p. k103/p355 london ; new york : routledge taylor & francis group, c2017. 2017 sk27-22001261
circles of compensation : economic growth and the globalization / calder, kent e., f131.30/c146 stanford, california : stanford university press, [2017] 2017 sk27-22001262
transitioning to a post-carbon society : degrowth, austerity and wellbeing / garcia, ernest, x196/t772 london : palgrave macmillan, 2017. 2017 sk27-22001263
global pulls on the korean communities in sao paulo and buenos aires / yoon, won k. 777/d777.762/y59 lanham : lexington books, c2015. 2015 sk27-22001264
windows of opportunity : how women seize peace negotiations for political change / anderson, miriam j. d441/a548 oxford ; new york, ny : oxford university press, 2016. 2016 sk27-22001265
paradox of power : the logics of state weakness in eurasia / paradox of power (university of pittsburgh press) d59/p222 pittsburgh, pa. : university of pittsburgh press, c2017. 2017 sk27-22001266
rule breaking and political imagination / shepsle, kenneth a., d0/s549 chicago, il ; london : the university of chicago press, 2017. 2017 sk27-22001267
no shortcut to change : an unlikely path to a more gender-equitable world / ellerby, kara, d440/e45 new york : new york university press, [2017] 2017 sk27-22001268
shadow working in project management : understanding and addressing the irrational and unconscious i bértholo, joana, c936/b542 london ; new york, ny : routledge, taylor & francis group, 2018. 2018 sk27-22001269
tug of war : surveillance capitalism, military contracting, and the rise of the security state / wills, jocelyn, d815.5/w741 montreal : mcgill-queen's university press, 2017. 2017 sk27-22001270
the business of humanity : strategic management in the era of globalization, innovation, and shared camillus, john c., f272.1/c183 new york : routledge, taylor & francis group, [2017] 2017 sk27-22001271
careers after congress : do jobseeking legislators shortchange constituents? / dabros, matthew s., d771.223/d116 santa barbara, california : praeger, an imprint of abc-clio, llc, [2017] 2017 sk27-22001272
social inequality, economic decline, and plutocracy : an american crisis / johnson, dale l., d771.209/j66 cham, switzerland : palgrave macmillan, 2017. 2017 sk27-22001273
the politics of expertise in international organizations : how international bureaucracies produce a littoz-monnet, annabelle, d813/p769 abingdon, oxon ; new york, ny : routledge, 2017. 2017 sk27-22001274
politics of anxiety / eklundh, emmy, d0-05/p769 london ; new york : rowman & littlefield international, ltd., 2017. 2017 sk27-22001275
the culturalist challenge to liberal republicanism / lusztig, michael, d082/l972 montreal ; kingston ; london ; chicago : mcgill-queen's university press, [2017] 2017 sk27-22001276
states of discipline : authoritarian neoliberalism and the contested reproduction of capitalist orde tansel, cemal burak, f03/s797 boulder, new york : rowman & littlefield international, c2017. 2017 sk27-22001277
the age of responsibility : luck, choice, and the welfare state / mounk, yascha, d57/m928 cambridge, massachusetts : harvard university press, 2017 2017 sk27-22001278
one another's equals : the basis of human equality / waldron, jeremy, d081/w167 cambridge, massachusetts : the belknap press of harvard university press, 2017. 2017 sk27-22001279
competition and free trade / salin, pascal. f271.3/s165 london : new york : routledge, taylor & francis group, 2018. 2018 sk27-22001280
mere civility : disagreement and the limits of toleration / bejan, teresa m., b824/b423 cambridge, massachusetts : harvard university press, 2017. 2017 sk27-22001281
the age of lone wolf terrorism / hamm, mark s., d815.5/h224 new york : columbia university press, c2017. 2017 sk27-22001282
contemporary left antisemitism / hirsh, david, d756.162/h669 abingdon, oxon ; new york : routledge, 2018. 2018 sk27-22001283
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